Sports for the Super Rich

If you’re super rich, and we mean massive lottery winner type rich or you own some massive conglomerate, you probably might want to compete in a sport that matches your level of wealth. We’re pretty sure that by now you’ve had Golf go through your mind but we were looking for some more unique choices for those that want to stand out simply by doing something different. Here’s 5 options which will require a lot of cash.

Olympiv car


Ok we’re pretty sure you weren’t expecting this on the list but This is certainly a unique choice and while the sled itself won’t break the bank, finding a place to practise might be another story. Unless you’re from a snowy region that already has teams to join, having a bobsledding team could run into astronomical costs. The sled itself is only around 25k, but this is nothing compared to the millions of dollars it would cost to build, maintain and operate a bobsledding track to simply practice on. The costs skyrocket even further if you try to open your track to competitions, as you’ll have to maintain the track to Olympic standards. Got your track and sled, great! Now you can hurl down an icy track at approximately 100 mph in a specially crafted carbon fibre tube.



If you want a hint of art and a healthy portion of class alongside a competitive mindset, then equestrian training might just be your lane. A sport that places emphasis on the aesthetic of how a horse is controlled and ridden. If you wish to compete, then it’s BYOH (bring your own horse), so you’re already looking at some serious veterinary expenses simply to keep your horse in prime condition for the competition. Then you’ll need to fork out more for the right trainers to help prepare you and the horse. All this of course is before you even ride out into the arena. Once you’ve done all that and gotten all the expensive equipment and uniform, you’ll be ready. Cost of competition is approximately $200,000 per year, which is quite a bit for some horsing around.

F1 Racing

F1 Racing

Your need for speed is deeply rooted if you’re prepared to start your own F1 team! Your pockets must also be very deep too as this endeavour has an approximate startup cost of $200 - $400 million. Add the word billionaire in front of “boys and their toys” for a very apt description of owning a team as the ultra delicate F1 car is only just the beginning of the insane costs. There’s specialised equipment, engineers, mechanics, spare parts and then you’ve got the eye-watering insurance policies you’ll have to take out that will cover everything. This is assuming you’ve got the track and workshops already sorted, because if you don’t you’ll have to pay for those too. Now if that wasn’t already expensive enough, you’ll also have to travel to different tracks around the world if you want to compete for the glory(plus the cash prizes that’ll keep you afloat). And it's not just the car and driver that goes off to the races, but so does the entire team plus entourage. If all that doesn’t scare you, you can expect to be showered by the glitz and glamour of F1. From a-list celebs, politicians and other super rich socialites, owning a team will hurl you into the heart of the glitz and glory associated with this high risk racing.

Hot Air Balloon

Hot Air Balloon Racing

What if you don’t want speed, better yet, what if you had no control on your speed at all? Here is a race were you and all your competitors are travelling at a snail's pace but with some of the most incredible views . Hop into a very strong wicker basket and rise to anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 feet and simply float to the finish line in a Hot Air Balloon race. Starting at a minimum of 200K just to buy the balloon(no gas included) you can already understand this is not for the casual enthusiast. Each flight will cost you about $9,000 in gas to fuel your balloon and you’ll need another $3,000 if you want the pilot licence to fly the balloon. Want to hop onto a traditional race that has hardly changed since its inception in the mid 18th century?



If you thought competing and training in a professional sport was tough, try five at the same time! That’s exactly what pentathlon is; shooting, show jumping(equestrian), running, fencing, and swimming. Pentathlons were first held in ancient Greece although the events that comprise it have evolved and changed. The events held in modern day Pentathlons are based on the skills expected of a 19th century cavalry soldier. You’ll need to pay for all the equipment, training and probably constantly be on the hunt for sponsors as training all these varied sports must take up enough time to be a full time job! You might not have to work for “the man” but you’ll still be working if you genuinely want to compete. The equestrian section alone is already expensive as we mentioned above when taken stand alone, let alone with 4 more competitive sports!

As you can see, if you’re ridiculously wealthy and wish to participate in a sport that is commensurate with the amount of numbers in your bank balance, then you have quite a number of options available. Taking up any of the above as a hobby will set you apart from many, as well as catapult you into the heart of certain social circles. If you’ve decided to take up one of the above, we’re going to assume you’ve got a bottomless purse, or you won one of these lotteries. If this is your first time coming across our website, then you should know that you can play some of the world’s biggest lotteries when you click the button below.

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