Do you want to #SendSomeLove? Start nominating!

We’ve just launched our #SendSomeLove campaign, and we’re giving you the opportunity to send some love to someone in Malta who you think deserves a little extra care during these difficult times.

  1. What is the #SendSomeLove campaign?

We know it’s difficult to be away from your loved ones, so we want to help out by sending a free meal and a personal message to the person you care about on your behalf. This campaign aims to spread some love and good vibes around Malta through 50% of the proceeds from our very own Luzzu Lotto.

  1. How does it work?

It’s basically teamwork between us and you. First, you need to fill in this form and tell us a bit about the person/s you’re nominating and a bit about yourself. You can nominate either one person or a couple (they need to have the same address). It could be your parents, your grandparents, your elderly neighbour who’s stuck at home alone, your friends, or anyone you wish.

After you submit your nomination, you can help us spread the word by sharing on social media using the hashtag #SendSomeLove. Every week, we will randomly select 5 nominees and we will deliver a free meal and your personal message to their doorstep. The meal we choose will be based on your nominee’s favourite food and we will also call you to confirm our choice before we deliver.

That’s it! We’ll take care of the food and the delivery so that everyone can stay safe.

  1. Why #SendSomeLove?

We wanted to go for something that puts a smile on people’s faces and spreads kindness. What better way to boost your morale and spread positivity than with some good food (that is also free) and a personal message from a loved one?

Remember that kindness and words of encouragement go a long way, so start nominating!

With love from

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