Maltese Player Wins €97,000 With Our EuroMillions Subscription!

We are absolutely delighted to announce our latest winner, Maria Dolores from Malta, who has won €97,000 with her EuroMillions subscription!

So, what does it feel like to receive a call from us telling you you've won on the EuroMillions? Check out what she had to say about her shock win in our video below.


A Family Affair

We met up with our winner to get all the juicy details about her big win, and here's what she had to say:

How did you find out you had won?

Corey from phoned me and he said “Are you sitting down?” And I said “Yes, I’m sitting down” and he said “Well, we’re delighted to tell you, Maria, that 5 of your numbers came out on the EuroMillions last night. You’ve actually won €97,000!”

What went through your head when you heard the news?

I said “You must be joking, are you sure it’s €97,000 and not €9,700?” I still didn’t believe it. After the call, I made my husband check my account to see if it was true.

Have you ever won anything this big before?

Nothing like this. I had won with twice, one was €9 and one was €21, so I knew that you could win with them, but not that amount! We’ve been playing the lottery, especially my husband, not me, for a long time now, but he’s never won anything like that.

How did your family react to the news?

I called my son and I said “Do you know what told me? That I won €97,000!” He said “Ma, how lucky you are!”
The winnings are not mine, they’re the family’s after all. I won it through and they’re like part of the family, so thank you!

Would you say the win has changed your life?

Well, it’s not just for me. I’ve got my husband to look after, I’ve got my son and my granddaughter, so it’s a family affair. If it was only me, I’d spend it all tomorrow, but it’s not going to change me from one day to the other because it’s for everyone. I’m lucky I suppose, God helped me to win all that.

Have you decided what you are going to spend it on?

I think we’ll go somewhere abroad now, if everything is alright health-wise, we’ll go away for a bit.

You have a monthly EuroMillions subscription with us, how many months before you won?

It was less than 6 months. After €60 I won!

Do you think choosing the subscription option played a part in the win?

Yes, that’s the nicest thing. Because if you had to go onto the computer every week to submit the numbers, I would forget. With the automatic subscription it’s done for me. I don’t have to worry about forgetting, that’s what I like about it. I’ve already told 2 people to subscribe!

How did you choose your lucky numbers?

I went into and there is an option there “Quick Pick” so I selected that, and they chose the numbers for me. I thank them with all my heart that they chose the right numbers, and I hope they keep choosing the right numbers for me!

Why do you play with

My son told me to, he’s already been playing on for some time, and he told me to give it a try, so I did!

Do you have any winning advice for our players?

Make sure that you play, that you get your numbers in. Or let’s computer pick your numbers. I’ve got 2 lines going and I’m going to put another 2 lines with them, so I’ll have 4 lines going. I’m trying my luck!


Congratulations again Maria, we hope you enjoy your winnings!

Fancy your chances at being our next big winner? Save €14 every month and never miss a draw when you take out a EuroMillions subscription with us today.

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