New Year with a Jackpot Win!
This is the end of the year; New Year’s resolutions are many, promises of diets are plenty and big plans with a fresh new chapter are waiting in the wings! Imagine you got a fat jackpot win just before it all ends. It must probably feel like getting the turbocharger on a racing game, but this one is for your plans! Have you got numbers on a lottery in time for New Year’s?

Travel upgrade
When they ask you what you want to upgrade, you can say, “Everything!” From coach to first class and from a junior hotel suite to the presidential villa - Yes, please and keep the caviar coming! With the additional boatloads of cash, your wildest travel dreams may be on your following itinerary. You can swap the Airbnb booking for a massive getaway pad with all the luxuries worthy of royalty. Why search the beach for a free spot when you can charter a yacht and be waited on hand and foot? Want an even fancier experience? Leave out the 1st class plane tickets and have a private jet take you there instead. No waiting in line, the plane leaves when you want, and no weird weight rules for your luggage.

House maintenance may become remodelling or house-hunting
Replastering a room might have been the original plan, but with millions of dollars at your disposal, you’ll probably start considering all the options. How about swapping the bathtub for a spa tub? Maybe a gold-plated shower with wall-to-wall Carrera marble. Swap all the household cups and cutlery for crystal glassware and some fine silverware. You could even try going for plates made of gold, but this might clash with the silverware unless you get a completely matching set from the start. This is provided that you keep the same house, but of course, you can always go for a more luxurious upgrade. After all, you can live almost anywhere with a few million euros.

A new set of wheels
No more worrying about your annual vehicle test; with a massive jackpot win like that from a Mega Millions draw, you could afford to buy a brand new car every year simply. The family station wagon might have seen some better days, and it’s high time it got a massive overhaul or simply replaced. Call us a little crazy, but we’d prefer to give the old girl at least a top-to-bottom refit. After so many years of loyal service, she deserves some TLC before moving on to a new owner or an honoured spot in the new massive garage. It will be like a sort of reminder of the times.

Try a new, expensive hobby
If you ask any hobbyist, they can probably list a whole host of new purchases and additions that they’d like to include in their pastime, and there is perhaps no limit; they can find it if they have cash and nothing to hold them back. What would yours be? Maybe you’d try to max out your current interest, or are you more likely to dive headlong into a new, expensive hobby? Perhaps you fancy being the family's first polo player or racing driver. With the bucket loads from a multi-million jackpot, you could certainly try out a crazy idea or two.

Organise a charity drive
This is a fantastic opportunity to dig into your inner philanthropist and give back to the community. Is there a cause that you are passionate about? Imagine making a difference and knowing you were more than just the average volunteer. Your environmental concerns could use someone with your passion and ingenuity (and your newfound millions). Or you could work more directly with people. There are a whole host of charities and philanthropic organisations that you can lend a hand to, even if it’s not financial assistance. Many studies show how voluntary work benefits one’s mental and emotional well-being. If you have time on your hands that you can dedicate, what kind of cause would you pick?
So, will you take a chance as we start our way into 2024 for a chance to win big? Your favourite numbers could have a chance at landing the big win! Have a look at our library of lotteries to see which catches your eye.