JackpotMillions is pumping it up with a €15 Million Superdraw!

Time to open those agendas and save the date- JackpotMillions is coming at you with another €15 million Superdraw!

JackpotMillions is our exclusive lottery that takes place every single day, but we’re boosting the normal jackpot to €15 million on Thursday, September 26th! That means it’s time to get those lucky numbers ready for this special night! 

If you’ll be the one to take the winning crown, what would you do with the insane prize of  €15 million? Would you splurge it on insane things or spend it wisely? Here are some of the most expensive things you could get your hands on if you run out of ideas for your lottery-win shopping spree! 

Buy a private island in Fiji

If cold weather is not your thing, and you’re more of a tanning-in-the-sun type of person, then buying Toberusa island in Fiji might be more up your alley. It might take you a while to get to your favourite local donut shop, but having a place away from everyone else must feel like a dream! 

Have Beyonce as your VIP party guest

Want to make an impression on your peers and hold a party that is never forgotten? Queen Beyonce can stop by your crib to perform some of her hit songs! It’s a price made only less astounding by the fact that she’s Beyonce.


Holiday Cabin

No more thinking twice about whether you’ll find a hotel room to stay at for your impromptu ski trip! Having a holiday cabin (or multiple ones, you decide!) all of your own feels like a must-need for all wintry lovers out there.


 A lifetime supply of energy-fuel sounds just about right! There’s nothing like a deliciously- brewed cup of coffee in the morning (or at any other time of day, let’s be honest) so splurging your lottery win on coffee does not sound like a bad plan at all! Just think about it, you’ll have coffee for ever and ever!

I love coffee

So now that we’ve blown your mind with these exhilarating jackpot buys, it’s time to get involved. Pick your numbers for the €15 million JackpotMillions Superdraw  today - oh, and make sure to buy us an expensive puppy if you win.

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